Let's Make Dapper

Bowtie blocks

Course Summary

Welcome to the "Dapper" Quilt Class – where we're taking the classic Bowtie block and giving it a modern twist that's as sharp as a well-tied necktie! 🎩🧵

Be a class act and join us in whipping up this dapper quilt. Whether you choose your favorite fancy fabric or opt for some fat eights, this class is all about creating a quilt that's as stylish as it is cozy. It's not just quilting; it's a fashion statement for your living space!

Get ready to stitch with flair, embrace bold patterns, and let your creativity run wild. This isn't your grandma's quilt – it's a contemporary masterpiece that'll have everyone asking, "Where did you get that fabulous quilt" So, dust off your sewing machine and let's make quilting as dapper as it gets!

Course Pricing

  • Let's Make Dapper
  • $17.95 USD

    A modern take on the Bowtie block. Be a class act and whip up this dapper quilt from your favorite fancy fabric fat eights.

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Course Curriculum

Lynn Rinehart

Fiber artist, certified quilt appraiser, quilt designer, fabric lover, fabric collector and lover of quilts. That’s really just a long way of saying that she is a quilter! Lynn is active in several guilds and quilt groups. She designs her own quilts and continues to quilt outside of the box, bringing in her natural curiosity about color and how it affects quilt designs.

She is blessed with a wonderful husband, two Saluki hounds children named Phoebe and Phineas, and a longarm named Clementine. To learn more about Lynn’s quilt appraisals, visit her Cotton Art Studio website, or follow her on social media @CottonArtStudio.